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DLUHC announces allocation of funding for council-led initiatives advancing innovative digital planning services

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a title card that says 'funding awarded to council-led initiatives advancing innovative digital planning services'

The DLUHC Digital Planning Programme is supporting further Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) through the latest funding round for digital services to improve planning.  In this blog post, we announce allocation of funding for council-led initiatives advancing innovative digital planning services.

Visualising spatial data to support decision-making

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In DLUHC, we are applying innovative techniques with open, publicly accessible data sources to support place-based decision-making. In this post, Elliott Phillips, a Software Engineer, talks about the development of a new tool that allows internal users to browse and visualise data at national and neighbourhood levels across the UK.

National Apprenticeship Week: my journey to become a cyber security apprentice

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Headshot of the author - Tarun Wagjiani

Tarun recently completed his cyber security apprenticeship in the department. To mark National Apprenticeship Week, Tarun shares how he found his career in cyber security and what he has learnt on his apprenticeship journey.

Changes to the Energy Performance Certificates open data service

An example of an energy performance certificate

The Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) open data service has been improved incrementally over the years. Another round of improvements has been applied in January 2024 and you can read about it in this post.

Migrating our data from GOV.UK Platform as a Service (PaaS) to Amazon Web Services (AWS)

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An image of birds in flight, each of them carrying a little illustration of a data chart

After learning that GOV.UK’s hosting platform PaaS is being decommissioned, the Energy Performance of Buildings Register team decided to migrate all their hosting to AWS. In this post, Barry, Developer, explains what they did.

DLUHC Innovation Squads: developing our HR chatbot from problem to vision to solution

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Chat icon made with binary code. Chatbot assistant application. Talk bubble speech. Dialogue balloon. Binary data and streaming digital code. Matrix background with digits.

Our first Innovation Squad, a team of colleagues from different specialisms across the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC), apply creativity and novel thinking to improve processes across the organisation. In this post, they share how they built on their initial successes and the role of good content in further enhancing user experience in the HR space.