In this video case study, Norfolk County Council share their experience of the CAF for local government, including how it’s helped them to take a broader view of their cyber resilience.
We’re taking an iterative, user-centred design approach to building and introducing the cyber assessment service for local government.
The DLUHC Local Digital team is supporting councils in England to build their cyber resilience. Through our work to date, we know that one of the challenges councils face is having a clear baseline standard to assess their cyber security. To address this, DLUHC will be introducing the Cyber Assessment Framework (CAF) for Local Government in 2024.
In 2022 we announced our next steps for Local Digital, and outlined a 3-year plan to address sector challenges and fix some of the structural issues holding us back. Now, 18 months in, we want to reflect on our progress to date and share our next steps.
During the cyber security discovery last year, we identified five areas of opportunity for MHCLG to support councils in improving their cyber health. One of these areas was technical remediation: providing support to councils identified through the survey on mitigating …
In June 2020 the Local Digital Cyber team completed a discovery into cyber security at local authorities. We found that: There are many cyber standards, but no clear baseline. An effective cyber baseline must encompass culture, leadership and ‘cyber first’ …