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Setting the foundations for faster plan-making 

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Digital Planning, Strategy
Aerial view of green space with businesses and housing

A new home for plan-making resources, called 'Create or update a local plan', has been published on GOV.UK, bringing together all the essential guidance and tools councils need to produce a local plan. Responding to feedback by providing clearer, consistent guidance, including new standards to create policy maps, our aim is to make the process faster and more efficient.

4 things I've learnt as a policy professional working in digital

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Funding Service, Strategy, Ways of working
Reuben - the blog post author - and colleagues sitting at desks

Policy professionals can learn a lot from the world of digital. In this blog post, Reuben, Policy Design Lead in MHCLG’s Funding Service team, shares insights he’s gained on user-centred design, agile working and cross-team collaboration.

Homes for Ukraine: applying digital principles and innovation to respond to a crisis rapidly at scale

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Homes for Ukraine, Strategy
an ipad showing the 'Homes for Ukraine: record your interest' page on GOV.UK

Find out how MHCLG has applied digital ways of working, collaboration and innovation to enable Ukrainians to enter the UK to find suitable accommodation and support through the Homes for Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme.

Funding Service: how digital innovation will help us to deliver grants faster, better and cheaper  

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Funding Service, Strategy
a team, listening to one of its member's speak

MHCLG's Funding Service is transforming how grants are delivered. Find out how we're saving time and money for the department and the communities we serve.

Digital Planning: applying digital principles and innovation to transform England’s planning system 

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Digital Planning, Strategy
a building site

The Digital Planning programme in MHCLG is transforming the future of planning. Find out how standardised data, innovation, collaboration and enhanced use of digital tools are reshaping England's planning system to make it more efficient and inclusive.

Faster, better, cheaper: delivering improved outcomes for citizens

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Innovation, Strategy
a team stand-up in the office

Digital is about working smarter, streamlining how we operate, making policies more responsive, and creating a culture of collaboration. Earlier this autumn, our digital team set out a vision within the department of using digital ways of working to deliver improved outcomes. Find out about the objectives, principles and approach that underpin our ambition.